Web based Project Management Software
Web based Project Management Software Web based Project Management Software
Unfinished Voyages

Off the coast of the eastern seaboard in 1906 there were 177 shipwrecks. These shipwrecks were caused by accidents, bad management, carelessness, errors in judgment, and pilot errors .........more

The CHAOS Report (1994)

In 1986, Alfred Spector, president of Transarc Corporation, co-authored a paper comparing bridge building to software development.......more

Managing Benefits

‘Managing benefits sounds as if it is more to do with health insurance than with managing projects. But every project represents an investment by a sponsoring organisation......more

Portfolio Management

Delivering business strategy through doing the right projects.....more

What is the ‘True Value’ of Project Management?

As organisations undertake more of their work in the form of projects, and as the effectiveness of project working in an organization becomes increasingly important to organizational success.......more

Project management maturity models

In this, the final article in the present series, Terry Cooke-Davies draws upon many of the themes that he has explored in the six earlier articles to suggest how......more

'Viewing' the project

It's an old joke that IT development projects are on track until a week before the deadline, at which point the customer discovers that the project is really six months behind schedule........more
