Web based Project Management Software
Web based Project Management Software Web based Project Management Software
  1. How is role based security handled in Projistics?
  2. How do I customize Projistics to meet my project specific needs?
  3. Is integration with standard project management tools possible in Projistics?
  4. How can I access Projistics?
  5. Do I need to access Projistics or Nagarro or P3technology servers to use Projistics?
  6. Does Projistics have document management features?





  1. How is role based security handled in Projistics?

    Each item in Projistics is controlled by a security ACL. Projistics provides security by assigning roles to the users accessing Projistics. A user can only see workspaces where he has been assigned a role. The project owner or administrator defines permissions for all roles defined and access to modules (applications) within a workspace is also based on user role. 


  2. How do I customize Projistics to meet my project specific needs?

    Custom fields can be added to the workspaces of Projistics and these custom fields can be used for any module of workspace based on user requirements. Custom fields are defined at the global level by maintaining a global list and filtered at the workspace for project specific customization. Administration module of Projistics can also be customized by adding user defined fields in various global entities like tasks, users, events, goals, roles, groups, clients and vendors


  3. Is integration with standard project management tools possible in Projistics?

    Yes, Projistics allows integration with standard project management tools. Projistics is able to interface with Microsoft Project to import project plan made in the Microsoft. Similarly it is possible to export a plan created in Projistics as Microsoft Project file. Similarly tasks and event in Projistics can be synchronized with Microsoft Outlook and data of various built-in modules can be exported as Microsoft Excel file format.


  4. How can I access Projistics?

    Projistics can be accessed through web interface - using thin web clients, handhelds and instant messengers.


  5. Do I need to access Projistics or Nagarro or P3technology servers to use Projistics?

    The installation of Projistics is done on the servers at client's internal network. There is no dependency on Projistics or Nagarro or P3technology servers to use Projistics. 

  6. Does Projistics have document management features?

    Projistics helps organizations build their own knowledge repositories providing built –in document management with check-in/check-out functionality, version control, roles based security, approval routing and configurable workflows. 
