Web based Project Management Software
Web based Project Management Software Web based Project Management Software

Knowledge Management
Projistics helps Financial Service organizations build their knowledge libraries. With built-in document management, knowledge bases, persistent discussion threads, check-in / check-out functionality, restricted access, approval routing and configurable workflows, Projistics is ideal for managing project implementation knowledge across the . Financial information collected during one project can be effectively used during subsequent projects to reduce cost using organizational knowledge base. Organizations can maintain standard processes, templates and check list specific to project in a central repository and use them for repeated project success. Project specific confidential documents can be stored in project repository with restricted access, check-in / check-out permissions and version control. Discussion boards can be used effectively to resolve critical issues affecting geographically distributed teams using threaded discussion.

Risk and Issue Management

Risk Management is integral part of any project in financial sector. Projects are invariably critical in terms of delivery schedule and sensitive information and risk mitigation is essential for project execution and success. Projistics allows team members to contribute to the risk database for a project, identify the severity of the risk, analyze its impact, and discuss ways to mitigate the risk. An issue tracking system in Projistics allows team members, consultants and contractors to report issues and to keep track of pending issues related to project leading to faster issue resolution and work execution. 

Professional Service Organizations
Financial Services