Web based Project Management Software
Web based Project Management Software Web based Project Management Software

Task and Time Management
Tasks can be created and scheduled hierarchically and assigned to team members. Plan templates specific to project type can be adopted for similar projects. The timesheet module allows team members to provide detailed information of how their time was spent. An approval process for tasks and the timesheets ensures that only the correct information is presented to the client. Tasks can be tracked at project and resource level through status report module of Projistics. In addition, integration with Microsoft Project allows managers to import their project plan directly into Projistics and export a plan created in Projistics as Microsoft Project file. Tasks and event in Projistics can be synchronized with Microsoft Outlook and data of various built-in modules can be exported as Microsoft Excel file format. e

Portfolio and Opportunity Management

Using Projistics, managers and executives are able to track the health of their project portfolio at any given time. In addition, an in-built contact management and opportunity management module helps track the pipeline of upcoming projects, deals and information about prospective clients. This can help plan for future resource requirements as well as forecasting future revenue estimates for Financial Service organizations. Projistics extensively uses combination of personal and workspace dashboards for decision support and monitoring & control of project portfolio. Executive dashboard is integrated for holistic view of organization's projects and portfolio management. 

Professional Service Organizations
Financial Services